However hard it might be opening a business in London it seem that the Eritrean community is flourishing and expanding our business community. With many families seeing an opportunity to open business such as restaurant, supermarket, coffee shop, traditional clothing boutique, Internet shop and other business sector the Eritrean business family are ceasing the opportunity and jumping in the business pool regardless of the recession pulling back many fields in business. Having spoken to some family business owner in London I have some insight into the work and responsibility need to open and successfully run a business in the UK. Conversing with diverse business such as Mosob Restaurant, Red Sea Restaurant and Isu hair gave me a different look at the types of business around London and their ability to keep their business running with the foundation of it all being the Eritrean principles the back bone and support you need coming from your family.
The family owned Mosob restaurant is one of the most talked about new restaurant in our community. As a fairly new restaurant having opened for business in 2004 it is a highly urban-chic restaurant designed with extraordinary craft that make up the unique restaurant in the heart of West London’s Westbourne Park. After the family migrating from Ethiopia during the recent war like most Eritrean migrant affected by the war they had left everything behind but picked up a new life and started to works as hard only this time beginning from scratch. Despite the success of the business Benyam tells me he is still surprised at the
outcomes and the business turnout. However, brothers Benyam and Daniel have always aspired to be their own bosses and thought they would always work together in the future; accordingly they have turned around a small family business into a ‘home away from home’ gem in the heart of London’s busy streets.
Eritrean business in the UK share the same essence in management as most business tend to be family run the working environment is professional yet relaxed which is beneficial to businesses as Benyam notes ‘ we were brought up together so its the same energy’. Similarly the family run business Isu Hair has been running a successful salon for many year having picked up the talent from their family business back home they always had it in running in their blood. Isu points out that working closely with sibling mean every family member in the business is responsible for the business, he emphasised on the importance of holding responsibility individually which sets a family business far apart from a business owned by one person. The essential part of owning a business as Isu tells me is that “the business must have continuity to succeed”. According to Benyam working with siblings means its easier to work together as having been brought up together they are likely to share the same idea. “Hunger determination knowing everybody’s trait” is what keeps the business running. Similarly Reds Sea owner Idris relies on the honesty and trustworthy of working with a sibling that benefits them as a family running a business together it is essential to have a clear mind and understanding at work and to take full responsibility with equal share in managing the business. It is not too surprising to find out that the main emphasis on all owner is the responsibility of each family member which keeps them steadfast in working together efficiently especially with the energy they pulling together to achieve a greater future prospect.
The best advise for those thinking of opening a business is to become fearless as Benyam tells me never to be fearful and to embrace failure as “Making mistakes teaches you a lot” never be afraid to try something new and look for new ideas and inspiration from culture around us. Nevertheless, Mosob seems to be far off from mistakes every detail of the restaurant is run in a graceful and professional manner from hygiene to administration of their business, I say that these are the essential secret in keeping a successful business as every detail is cons
equential in running a business. Furthermore, the close neat family business is run by siblings Daniel a product and web designer who handles all design and marketing aspect of the restaurant along with sister Suliana who graduated from London College of Fashion as a designer she is also responsible for the creative aspects of the restaurant. Their mother as the heart and soul of Mosob is responsible for the smooth running of the kitchen having put together the traditional recipes in a presentable manner.
Living with you sibling surely is a tricky time but working with sibling only seem to bring a family together. The feedback I had from all the owner seem that they are more than happy to be working together with their sibling, Idris tells me “of course there are problems when working but how you solve it is the important thing, and always solve problems and know the weakness and strengthen”. Having the assurance of a brother or sister working with you give you more confidence because you are fully aware of their ability which mean you can bring all your strengthen and use you it to maximise you business potential.
Red Sea is one restaurant that captures the essence of customer needs by assessing the requirements of their local customers. Having a steady success since its opening Red Sea two years and running to their third year soon, Idris tells me that Eritrea has a rich culture, having grown up in Massawa his vision for the restaurant is pretty clear. He along with his two brothers envisioned an Eritrean restaurant that brings the rich culture with the fusion of Eritrean, Ethiopian and Yemeni cuisine. Their main aim is to bring the rich Eritrean culture to different communities he points out “we are proud to share our culture and this helps us to spread our business and to expand it ”, Idris truly believes the importance of bringing cultures together especially relation with the African community and the Arab community as we share a lot of similarities with them. 
Throughout my dialogue with this eccentric family businesses I have found that the resonant message is the importance of running a business successfully is the work and responsibility you must apply to succeed. Having run all their businesses successful we can look at these business owners and look for inspiration and hope for our young and thriving community in succeed and work hard in the same way that they have reached their achievements. The most important idea to have in succeeding in your chosen field is to show fearlessness and confidence to support you in you future. And always remembering that the sky is the limit and reaching for the starts is not only an expression to use but to actually use it in you life and making something of yourself is the ultimate success especially for our young and vibrant community in the Diaspora.